Steering Committee

Prof. Dr.  Bayram YILMAZ Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Sciences
Prof. Dr. Dilşen İNCE ERDOĞAN Faculty of Literature Department of History
Prof. Dr.  Caner ÇAVDAR Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medical Sciences
Prof. Dr.  Güzin ÖZDAĞOĞLU Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Prof. Dr.  İlgi KARAPINAR Faculty of Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr.  Aysun KAPUÇUGİL İKİZ Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Prof. Dr.  Zeki Atıl BULUT İzmir Vocational School Department of Marketing and Foreign Trade
Prof. Dr.  Pınar SÜRAL ÖZER Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration
Prof. Dr.  Bahar BARAN Buca Faculty of Education Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education
Prof. Dr.  Diğdem Müge SİYEZ Buca Faculty of Education Department of Educational Sciences
Prof. Dr. Mübeccel Banu DURUKAN SALI Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Durusu EMEK SAVAŞ Faculty of Literature Department of Psychology
Res. Asst. Dr. Önder CANVEREN Faculty of Business Department of International Relations (English)
Res. Asst.  Erdem Tevfik ÖZDEMİR Faculty of Engineering Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Res. Asst. Merve DERVİŞOĞLU Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sebahat Sevgi UYGUR Buca Faculty of Education Department of Educational Sciences