Prof. Dr. Bayram YILMAZ | Faculty of Medicine | Department of Medical Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Dilşen İNCE ERDOĞAN | Faculty of Literature | Department of History |
Prof. Dr. Caner ÇAVDAR | Faculty of Medicine | Department of Internal Medical Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Güzin ÖZDAĞOĞLU | Faculty of Business | Department of Business Administration (English) |
Prof. Dr. İlgi KARAPINAR | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Environmental Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Aysun KAPUÇUGİL İKİZ | Faculty of Business | Department of Business Administration (English) |
Prof. Dr. Zeki Atıl BULUT | İzmir Vocational School | Department of Marketing and Foreign Trade |
Prof. Dr. Pınar SÜRAL ÖZER | Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | Department of Business Administration |
Prof. Dr. Bahar BARAN | Buca Faculty of Education | Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education |
Prof. Dr. Diğdem Müge SİYEZ | Buca Faculty of Education | Department of Educational Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Mübeccel Banu DURUKAN SALI | Faculty of Business | Department of Business Administration (English) |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Durusu EMEK SAVAŞ | Faculty of Literature | Department of Psychology |
Res. Asst. Dr. Önder CANVEREN | Faculty of Business | Department of International Relations (English) |
Res. Asst. Erdem Tevfik ÖZDEMİR | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
Res. Asst. Merve DERVİŞOĞLU | Faculty of Nursing | Department of Nursing |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sebahat Sevgi UYGUR | Buca Faculty of Education | Department of Educational Sciences |