Research Enviroment Working Group

Prof. Dr.  Güzin ÖZDAĞOĞLU Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Prof. Dr.  Levent ÇAVAŞ Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
Prof. Dr.  Yoldaş SEKİ Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
Prof. Dr.  Halit YAZICI Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Derya BİRANT Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ayça TOKUÇ Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture
Prof. Dr.  Murat BEKTAŞ Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing
Prof. Dr.  Görkem AKINCI Faculty of Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr.  Şerif ŞENTÜRK İzmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute
Prof. Dr. Serap AKFIRAT Faculty of Literature Department of Psychology
Prof. Dr. Seher ÖZYÜREK Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr.  Bilge AYKOL Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Prof. Dr.  Görsev YENER Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medical Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Fatoş POLAT DİNÇER Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Clinical Sciences
Asst. Prof. Dr. Olgun KONUR Faculty of Maritime Department of Marine Engineering (English)
Prof. Dr.  İpek Deveci KOCAKOÇ Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Econometrics
Prof. Dr.  İlgi KARAPINAR Faculty of Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr.  Hasan Murat TANARSLAN Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yakup ÖZTÜRK Faculty of Literature Department of History
Res. Asst. Endam DÜZYOL TÜRK Buca Faculty of Education Department of Basic Education
Res. Asst. Dr. Süleyman Aykut KORKMAZ Faculty of Maritime Department of Marine Engineering (English)
Res. Asst. Dr. Nazile BUĞURCAN DİŞİBÜYÜK Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics