Prof. Dr. Güzin ÖZDAĞOĞLU | Faculty of Business | Department of Business Administration (English) |
Prof. Dr. Levent ÇAVAŞ | Faculty of Science | Department of Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Yoldaş SEKİ | Faculty of Science | Department of Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Halit YAZICI | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Civil Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Derya BİRANT | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Computer Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Ayça TOKUÇ | Faculty of Architecture | Department of Architecture |
Prof. Dr. Murat BEKTAŞ | Faculty of Nursing | Department of Nursing |
Prof. Dr. Görkem AKINCI | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Environmental Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Şerif ŞENTÜRK | İzmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute | |
Prof. Dr. Serap AKFIRAT | Faculty of Literature | Department of Psychology |
Prof. Dr. Seher ÖZYÜREK | Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation | Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation |
Prof. Dr. Bilge AYKOL | Faculty of Business | Department of Business Administration (English) |
Prof. Dr. Görsev YENER | Faculty of Medicine | Department of Internal Medical Sciences |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Fatoş POLAT DİNÇER | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Department of Clinical Sciences |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Olgun KONUR | Faculty of Maritime | Department of Marine Engineering (English) |
Prof. Dr. İpek Deveci KOCAKOÇ | Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | Department of Econometrics |
Prof. Dr. İlgi KARAPINAR | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Environmental Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Hasan Murat TANARSLAN | Faculty of Engineering | Department of Civil Engineering |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yakup ÖZTÜRK | Faculty of Literature | Department of History |
Res. Asst. Endam DÜZYOL TÜRK | Buca Faculty of Education | Department of Basic Education |
Res. Asst. Dr. Süleyman Aykut KORKMAZ | Faculty of Maritime | Department of Marine Engineering (English) |
Res. Asst. Dr. Nazile BUĞURCAN DİŞİBÜYÜK | Faculty of Science | Department of Mathematics |