Human Resources Working Group

Prof. Dr.  Çağnur BALSARI Faculty of Business Department of Business Administration (English)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Füsun KÖKALAN ÇIMRIN İzmir Vocational School Department of Plant and Animal Production
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Gül ÖZATEŞLER ÜLKÜCAN Faculty of Literature Department of Sociology
Prof. Dr. Olca SÜRGEVİL DALKILIÇ Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nebiye KONUK KANDEMİR Faculty of Literature Department of Sociology
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Behiye KAZANCI Faculty of Law Department of Public Law
Assoc. Prof. Dr.İrem AŞKAR KARAKIR Faculty of Business Department of International Relations (English)
Prof. Dr. Ülviyye AYDIN Faculty of Business Department of International Trade and Business
Res. Asst. Berke Kaan İMANCI Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
Res. Asst. Duygu YURTTAŞEN Faculty of Literature Department of Sociology